Quick Facts

Deadly Poison

Vendor Locations

This item can be purchased in Icecrown Citadel , Naxxramas , The Exodar  (6), Ulduar , Dalaran  (4), Kelp'thar Forest  (4), Shattrath City  (4), Undercity  (4), Ashenvale  (3), Blasted Lands  (3), Darnassus  (3), Zangarmarsh  (3), Zul'Drak  (3), Abyssal Depths  (2), Blackwing Descent , Deepholm  (2), Dragonblight  (2), Duskwood  (2), Dustwallow Marsh  (2), Howling Fjord  (2), Ironforge  (2), Orgrimmar  (2), Sholazar Basin  (2), Terokkar Forest  (2), Trial of the Crusader , Western Plaguelands  (2), Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom , Alterac Valley , Arathi Highlands , Azshara , Battle for Wintergrasp , Black Temple , Borean Tundra , Crystalsong Forest , Ghostlands , Gruul's Lair , Hellfire Peninsula , Hillsbrad Foothills , Icecrown , Karazhan , Lost City of the Tol'vir , Magtheridon's Lair , Mount Hyjal , Netherstorm , Northern Barrens , Northern Stranglethorn , Pit of Saron , Redridge Mountains , Serpentshrine Cavern , Shadowmoon Valley , Shimmering Expanse , Silithus , Silvermoon City , Silverpine Forest , Stonetalon Mountains , Stormwind City , Tanaris , Tempest Keep , The Bastion of Twilight , The Eye of Eternity , The Nexus , The Obsidian Sanctum , The Oculus , The Ruby Sanctum , The Storm Peaks , The Vortex Pinnacle , Throne of the Four Winds , Throne of the Tides , Tirisfal Glades , Utgarde Pinnacle , Vault of Archavon , Wetlands , and Zul'Gurub .

